Shape your future with growth-minded peers and one-on-one mentors.

A program and community for entrepreneurial and creative teens, homeschoolers, opt outs, and dropouts. Take ownership of your life and career without college.

Unlock your potential πŸš€

Praxis is an intense personal and professional development program for young adults who want to work hard, build skills, learn how to create value, and develop a positive vision of the future for their lives and careers.

Through a rigorous skill development curriculum, 1-on-1 mentorship, and a community experience, students will gain clarity about what career paths excite them, what skills they need to build, how to navigate the job market, how to network, how to manage their money, and more.

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Practical life and career skills 🎯

Relevant skills to help you thrive in the real world and your career. No gen-eds. No fluff. 

One thing that sets our program apart is the way our alumni take agency over their lives and careers once they enter the real world. They’ve gone on to start podcasts, publish books, land competitive jobs, launch freelance businesses, earn  promotions, negotiate raises, lead teams, found startups, travel the world, and more. In other words, you’ll be in great company.

Most Praxis students opt out or drop out of college. Through our program, they build the skills they need to accelerate their lives and careers – without years wasted in the classroom.

How Praxis works βš™οΈ

Students complete the program alongside peers and with dedicated mentorship from career professionals. Praxis Mentors work one-on-one with each student to create and execute a learning plan, to offer feedback and accountability, and to help students work toward their goals. 

The program is a 20-hour per week time commitment and runs 36 weeks. It can be completed online from anywhere in the US. New cohorts start each winter, spring, summer, and fall.

In addition to the program, graduates also gain access to our professional development community – including online workshops, in-person events, and resources to continue their professional and personal growth.

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Discover career paths that fit your interests
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Develop in-demand business skills
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Grow your personal and professional network 
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Work with a mentor to chart a course for your career
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Learn personal finance basics and set your own financial goals
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Build life skills to prepare you to thrive in the real world

Parents + Praxis = ❀️


My son described one week of Praxis as equal to one year of University.

After watching him bored with Freshman year of college, I could not be happier we discovered Praxis.

Jeff Merten

Alumni Parent


The program itself was very impactful!

Praxis got Taylor ready for this leap into the unknown and they were able to get Taylor a job in New York City with a $5 billion advertising/media company...

Ty King

Alumni Parent


I want to thank you so much for believing in Ben and giving him the opportunity to participate in Praxis.

I saw him go from being beyond bored in his first semester of college to being so excited about life and the possibilities ahead of him when he started Praxis.

Marsha Iddings

Alumni Parent

Frequently Asked Questions πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Will I have to relocate for Praxis?

No. Praxis is a fully-remote program.

What do you look for in applicants?

We don’t care about your GPA, who your parents know, or your credentials. We’re seeking ambitious individuals who want to build a professional life they love and are capable of being positive contributors to our growing community. If you like to work, are intellectually curious, and have a little courage, we would love to get to know you better through the application process.

Can Praxis help me get a job?

Historically, our students have had success getting hired, but we do not guarantee a job. If finding a new job is a goal for the program, during the final three months of the program Praxis mentors will work with you one-on-one to conduct a guided job hunt. 

What will I learn?
Practical life, career, and business skills – with curriculum, projects, and workshops that cover personal finance, career planning, sales, marketing, customer service, business operations, entrepreneurial thinking, personal branding, professional writing, and more.
How long is the program?

Praxis runs a full academic year. It spans 36 weeks in total with new cohorts starting each winter, spring, summer, and fall.

How much does tuition cost?

Tuition is $15,000 – it can be paid up front, through installments, or financed.

Have questions?
Chat with our admissions team today

Practical advice & career resources πŸ““

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